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League of Legends: Wild Rift Announced

Riot Games announced League of Legends: Wild Rift during their 10th anniversary event yesterday.

Despite appearing similar to the main League of Legends  PC title, Wild Rift  is a brand new release for iOS, Android and consoles. The fundamental 5v5 gameplay has been retained, although changes have been made to translate the experience to consoles and mobile devices, including a streamlined, twin-stick control scheme; shorter, 15-18 minute games; and redesigned champions.

Players will be able to link their main League of Legends and Wild Rift accounts, with promises of interaction between the titles and rewards for existing players, but Riot Games have confirmed that there will be no direct cross-play between the two games.

Alpha and Beta builds of the game will be rolling out over these next few months, and if you're an Android user, you can pre-register on Google Play now.

League of Legends: Wild Rift will be released in 2020 for iOS, Android and unconfirmed consoles.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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wangyou - 05:24pm, 24th March 2020


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