LEGO Harry Potter Games Get Remastered On PS4
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and TT Games have announced that they are bringing both LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 and LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 to the PlayStation 4 as the LEGO Harry Potter Collection.
The games are being remastered with new lighting, environments, graphics and visual effcts as well as coming with two DLC packs, the Character Pack and the Spell Pack.
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 is based on the first four books and films in the series, allowing fans to experience Harry's first for years at Hogwarts in full LEGO form.
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 takes players through the last three books and four films as Harry and his friends battle against Lord Voldemort in the ultimate battle between good and evil.
The LEGO Harry Potter Collection will be available on the 21st Octover, 2016 in Europe for £39.99 on PlayStation 4.