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Mafia III Reveal Trailer

Last week, 2K promised the reveal of Mafia III at Gamescom, and they have duly delivered.

The reveal trailer for Mafia III shows protagonist Lincoln Clay, an orphan and Vietnam war veteran, monologue about the importance of family.

Set in New Orleans in 1968, the game looks to take a different tone to the American gangster vibe of its predecessor.

No gameplay is shown in the trailer, but we do have a general release date of 2016.

gamescom 2015


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azrael316 - 01:18pm, 6th August 2015

Cant wait, looks great....

Acelister - 12:03pm, 7th August 2015

Mafia II - Protagonist returns from war, turns instantly to crime.

Mafia III - Protagonist returns from war, turns instantly to crime.

I've not played the first game, but I reckon I know the protagonist's origin story...
