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Marvel Rivals Displays Sanctum Sanctorum Coming in Season 1 with Brand-new Trailer

As the world gets brought to ruin by Dracula in the Marvel Rivals tease trailer and new heroes join the fight against him, New York is brought to ruin. Home to the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, the Avengers tower, and many other famous landmarks and characters in the Marvel universe, the Sanctum stands strong as a beacon of power.

In the latest YouTube video named "Empire Of Eternal Night: The Mystical Sanctum Sanctorum | Map Reveal | Marvel Rivals" trailer released on the official Marvel Rivals channel, players get a one-minute look at the Sanctum Sanctorum in all of its mystical glory. With numerous portraits and nods to characters throughout the comics, ghost puppy Bats takes the cake in the entire video for being a good boy.

Giving off an eerie, spooky vibe, the magical location will become home to warfare as players wreak havoc across the mansion. With the signature hall seen prominently throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe and other locations fans of the movies will find, alongside nods for comic-book fans, it's a beautiful location that'll become the sixth official map for players to fight in, joining the likes of Klyntar, the Galactic Empire of Wakanda, and the Hydra Charteris Base: Hell's Heaven.

Prepare to wage war across the Sanctum Sanctorum when it arrives in Marvel Rivals Season 1.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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