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Mel, the Soul's Reflection Receives Official Champion Theme

Mel Medarda, who debuted on Arcane Season 1 and Season 2, has officially made her appearance in League of Legends, as she brings her newfound powers to Summoner's Rift. Uncovering new skills from within herself, she marches into Noxus with a new purpose and motive in life, as she seeks to uncover the truths of her upbringing and untangle the web of lies and deception that the Black Rose has caused.

Fans who played in the age of yore will remember the times when champions would get a unique takeover of the client whenever they released. Yearning for champion takeovers, animations, and music, we're slowly returning to the times when we would see new characters become the centrepiece for all things League of Legends.

As is now customary (again?) for Riot Games' MOBA, Mel, the Soul's Reflection has received her official champion theme alongside her release. In the video, you can see all sorts of concept art that led to her development, and the work-in-progress versions and development of all things Mel Medarda.

Mel, the Soul's Reflection is out now on League of Legends as of patch 25.S1.2.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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