Naval Battles Coming To War Thunder
After the pirate themed April Fool's joke this year, Gaijin Entertainment have forged ahead with a naval battle mode for their popular free to play World War 2 online game War Thunder.
The update, titled "Knights of the Sea", will focus on the smaller naval vehicles that served across all the oceanic theatres of World War 2. Vehicles such as torpedo, artillery and missile boats, coastguard vessels and submarine chasers. All nations in the game will be represented with naval forces.
Their reasoning for not using large battleships is simply that those battles were just too long and were very patient, planned out affairs and that goes against the fast-paced nature of the game. By focusing on the nimble, fast attack craft it allows for more engaging battles across the air/land/sea trinity of vehicles available in the game.
The mode is due to enter Closed Beta later in the year but Gaijin have Naval Starter Packs with unique ships for pre-order on their store which will give you access once Closed Beta begins, also offering a 30% discount until the 22nd August.
You can read more about Naval Battles and the Closed Beta on the official site here. A link to the store with the pre-order packs listed is here.
NACEOD - 11:11pm, 28th April 2017
They've been saying they would release it for about a year now. Losing hope.