New Sam & Max Title From Happy Giant
It's been a long time coming, but there is finally news of a new Sam & Max game in the works. Just announced at gamescom, there is now a brand new title in the beloved adventure game classic from developer Happy Giant. Plus, it's supposed to be for VR, which is fun. Fingers crossed that it'll have all the charm from games past.
Dombalurina - 07:33am, 28th August 2020
Yay! This makes me very happy. I was worried that we might have seen the last of them after we lost Telltale.
Erinsfrustrated - 10:38am, 28th August 2020 Author
Honestly, the day before Gamescom, I was playing Poker Night 2 and feeling all sad at the lack of Sam and Max in recent years. I'm really excited to learn more!