New Shenmue 3 Alpha Screenshots
YS Net have released a new update regarding the development of the controversially kickstarted Shenmue 3.
Now in the third month of development, they are currently in the map testing phase. This consists of trying to perfect the size of each area, so it is not too big or small, and feels properly populated. But let's get to why you're really here: the new screenshots.
They make it clear that these shots are still not finished, and will go through some reworking before launch. There are also some weird angles, which are apparently to avoid spoilers.
Battle test
Another battle test
Conversation test scene
Thatched roof house test model
They're all pretty basic shots, but they should quench the thirst of Shenmue fans, if only temporarily. Shenmue 3 is scheduled to launch in December 2017, for the PC and PlayStation 4.
Acelister - 12:10pm, 4th November 2015
If they can't show us alpha footage screenshots using stand-in models for fear of spoilers, how will they ever put together a trailer...?
Hamiltonious - 02:09pm, 6th November 2015
Wow, that looks... Different to how I imagined.