New Update Comes to Albion Online
'Cador' is a word that comes from Arabic and roughly translates to "powerful". That's exactly what the new update to Sandbox Interactive's Albion Online is. The update is aimed primarily at improving the PvE portion of the game and features a number of additional features and improvements.
To start with, armor has been simplified. Instead of armor having a material and a category or heavy, light or medium, these have now been merged. What this means is that cloth is now always light armor, leather is always medium and plate is always heavy. On top of this, the three different types of Leather Armor (formerly medium armor) now each have a distinct specialization within the Leather range, emphasized with different spells and stats. The same applies for cloth and plate.
The content additions in the update revolve around the Heretics faction. New gateway dungeons and ruthless bosses are challenging solo players and small groups on their dungeoneering endeavours. Offering a strategic element for both PvP and PvE combat, the new death mechanic introduces a knock down phase, with hit points slowly regenerating until recovery, unless the enemy kills the character before the full resurrection.
The new death mechanic has had a mixed response from players. Some feel it's a great addition while others, especially those keen on the PvP elements of the game aren't as enthusiastic. The developer are pressing ahead however and will make a final decision after they have seen what impact it has on the game. They also pointed to the upcoming reputation mechanic as key to how this change will go down, making killing another player a very conscious decision with consequences to consider.
If you want more details of the upcoming changes then there's a full rundown on the game's official website. Sandbox also details more changes that are coming over the coming year as they game evolves towards its final state.