New Update for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey
A new update for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey has been launched, which brings a number of performance improvements, fixes, and additional features, including new interior environments to Drake-Class Carriers that players can explore on foot for the first time ever. Additionally, a new Protect mission type has been added to the game, offering more first-person combat challenges to complete.
The other features are:
- Players can now use the Fleet Carriers as social hubs.
- Pioneer Supplies, Vistas Genomics, and the Shipyard can all be made accessible to players while on board.
- Protect Missions will be available from mission givers and mission boards in the update.
Additionally, the Bartender will act as a fully player-driven trading post for all the resources that can be found on foot, and the Fleet Carrier owner will have the ability to manage this service from anywhere in the galaxy, including changing prices and creating or fulfilling demands which will directly influence the game's economy.
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is available now on Steam, The Epic Games Store, or via the Frontier Store.