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Nightveil Hallow Returns to New World

Nightveil Hallow Returns to New World

If you're still playing through Amazon's MMORPG New World, then you'll be thrilled to hear that the Halloween-themed event Nightveil Hallow is making a return this year! From costumes to trick or treat, an event shop and even the return of Baalphazu, here is everything you need to know about it!

Dress Up for Halloween!


The first notable thing about Nightveil Hallow is costumes, where you'll be able to choose from four different ones! With these, you will be able to transform into various characters to celebrate the season, and you'll be able to get them throughout the duration of the event from the Town centrepieces and from the world boss, Baalphazu! Here are the four costumes available:

  • Captain Thorpe
  • Adiana
  • Anubian Reaver
  • Lost Monarch

The System Designer Joel Clift had this to say about the costumes for Nightveil Hallow!

"Thematically costumes were very fitting for Nightveil. Personally I look forward to role playing as Thorpe in the open world and murdering a few denizens of Aeternum. Costumes also open up many doors to create even more memorable interactions in the future."

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat

Now that you're all dressed up, it's time to start trick or treating — who doesn't love a good candy or boss-themes armour pieces? You can find hidden baskets throughout the towns (named Treat Baskets) that will have a chance to contain either a Baalphazu armour piece with a 10% drop chance, two Nightveil Tokens that you can get three times daily, and everyone's favourite treat for the season — candy, which you can get in four different flavours! Think you can taste them all?

For those who are going to be farming the Nightveil Tokens to their daily limit, the reset will come at 5 AM local time, meaning that you'll be able to get them starting from 5:01 AM onwards daily throughout the run of the event!

Here's what Joel Clift had to say about the Trick-or-Treat mechanic being added to New Worlds!

"I wanted to embrace the aspect of 'Trick-or-Treat' and get silly with the item design. Some may help you greatly with event activities while others may have unexpected consequences. I can't wait to see the stories and interactions that come from these small additions. "

The Return of Baalphazu, Marquis of Terror World Boss


It's time to face off the demon Baalphazu, Marquis of Terror accompanied by his legion of Pumpkinites! Aided by Salvatore the Mad, you will be tasked with getting rid of this world boss to reap the truest rewards of the Nightveil Hallow!

Baalphazu makes a return to Aeternum once more as a Level 66 world boss! Ally up with other players to defeat him and get up to five armour and three costumes daily alongside Ichor!

Event Shop

Event Shop

Finally, don't miss out on the opportunity to grab a slew of Nightveil-Hallow-themed items with the in-game event shop! Filled with new and old items, you will be able to make purchases by using your Nightveil Tokens to get all sorts of goodies. Using the Ichor you get by defeating Baalphazu, you can get a Nightveil Cauldron Cache from Salvatore that will give you one various items, including:

  • 7-13 Nightveil Tokens
  • 1 Random Nightveil Hallow weapon pattern
  • Coin Bag (3 times daily)
  • 1 White Gypsum

With the Nightveil Tokens, you can get 12 new items to the event shop and seven returning items for those who missed them previously! Here are all of the new items you can get from the Event Shop:

  • Basket of Treats Housing Item
  • Chiropetera's Cowl Cowl (Helm Skin)
  • Druid's Headdress (Helm Skin)
  • Necromancer's Crown (Helm Skin)
  • Crone Visage (Helm Skin)
  • Throne of the Hollow (Furniture Item)
  • Baalphazu's Offering (Furniture Item)
  • Summoning Circle (Furniture Item)
  • Tremble in Fear (Emote)
  • Possessed Walk (Emote)
  • Hexed Canopy Tent Skin
  • Updated Nightveil Weapon Patterns

And here are the returning items:

  • Skeleton Twirl Emote
  • Docile Pumpklin Housing Item
  • Baalphazu's Mantle Armor
  • Jack-o-Lantern's Smile (Helm Skin)
  • Baalphazu's Cowl Head Piece
  • The Pride of the Witch Hat
  • Slithering Skull Head Piece

Nightveil Hallow Image

Of course, for those who are curious about how long the event will last, you'll be happy to hear that it starts on the 18th of October and lasts until the 14th of November! Think you can get everything on your shopping list before the time runs out?

If you want to learn more about the making of the event, don't miss out on the article written by the team talking all things Nightveil Hallow! Have a spooky one, adventurers!


Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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