Nintendo Delivery Truck Stolen, Cancelling Splatoon Amiibos
An email has gone out to people who preordered Splatoon + Squid Inking amiibo from GAME.co.uk, that the delivery truck has been stolen.
As such, any order which was supposed to ship with the Squid Inkling amiibo has been cancelled and replaced with the standard edition, with a £10 discount. It will ship on 29th May, to arrive at peoples homes on 30th May or shortly after, depending on postal services.
This shortage due to theft was perhaps not seen by Nintendo's production estimates, when they promised to make enough amiibo going forwards.
Here is the email sent out, provided to us by An Unlucky Gamer. We thank An for allowing us to use it.
TGK - 05:34pm, 27th May 2015
I was so close to buying this from GAME. Glad I didn't!
domdange - 05:52pm, 27th May 2015
This has got to be the best thing I've read for a while... that's some desperate Amiibo hunter
Acelister - 09:07am, 29th May 2015 Author
Exactly my thoughts. Amiibo are a commodity, because of the artificially short production runs. However the joke is on them. GAME is now probably keeping an eye on eBay for whomever is selling 5,000 Splatoon amiibo.