Nintendo to Enable Pre-Download for Wii U and 3DS
Nintendo has confirmed that it will be adding the ability for games to be pre-downloaded on both the Wii U and 3DS.
After a period of absence during the summer Nintendo President Satoru Iwata announced the news during an investors meeting earlier today stating that the first game to make use of this feature will be Super Smash Bros Wii U, the feature will be implemented on the Wii U first and will come to 3DS at a later point. Here is the official statement:
Also, we will be implementing what we call a “pre-download” system with “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U” that will be released at the end of this year.
The “pre-download” system is a system in which consumers who have purchased the game before its release can download most of the game content in advance. Using this system, consumers will not have to wait for a long time to download the game after its release. They will then be able to start playing the game by only downloading a requisite minimum amount of update data.
In addition to the automatic distribution system at the time of purchase, which I have just explained, the “pre-download” system will be available with download cards sold at stores as well, by entering the download code at Nintendo e-Shop in advance. Consumers will not be required to save the download card until the release of the game if they enter the download code on the day of purchase.
This system will be implemented on Wii U first, and is planned for Nintendo 3DS next year.
As I have mentioned today, we are working on various approaches to make the digital business more user-friendly by providing a variety of payment methods, expanding distribution channels and enhancing consumer convenience.
It seems like Nintendo is moving towards an easier, user friendly system of purchasing games digitally, embracing methods used by Sony and Microsoft on both the PS4 and Xbox One.