ODST Campaign Coming to Halo: MCC For Free
The head of 343 Industries Bonnie Ross has issued out a thank you to the fans of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, for their patience in enduring the online issues that the game has suffered from.
As a bonus fans will be rewarded with free content which are as follows:
- 1 Month of Xbox Live Gold
- Exclusive In-Game Nameplate
- Exclusive In-Game Avatar
What's even better is that players will be receiving the Halo 2 : Anniversary Multiplayer Map "Relic" and the Halo 3: ODST Campaign for free as well.
Here is the official statement from Bonnie Ross:
This has been a humbling experience and highlighted how we as a studio can – and need – to do better for Xbox fans around the world. We are so grateful to our fans who have stood by our side and we appreciate all of your patience as we worked through these issues. As a token of our appreciation and to thank fans for the continued support and understanding, we will be offering the following items, for free, to anyone who has played Halo: The Master Chief Collection online since launch (11.11.14) through today (12.19.14).*
Whilst it's unfortunate that Halo: The Master Chief Collection is still suffering from issues, it's nice to see that players are being rewarded for their patience.
Acelister - 02:44pm, 21st December 2014
"We won't fix the issues, but here's some free stuff to make us look better than Ubisoft."