People Can Fly Discusses The Possibility Of A Bulletstorm 2
In a recent phone conversation with Eurogamer Senior Staff Writer Robert Purchese, Sebastian Wojciechowski (CEO of People Can Fly) revealed some tidbits about the developers interest in making a follow-up to their 2011 shooter Bulletstorm.
Wojciechowski states “We are, as you can see [with the remaster and the Switch version, still holding this IP deep in our hearts. We want this IP to have its second life. We're still not sure what that means but obviously since this is our IP - we own the IP - and the IP is known and has its fans, we would like to do something about it.”
He continues: “There are no immediate plans to come back to this IP, taking into consideration our current effort on Outriders, but if we think about PCF in the longer-run, then obviously it would be awesome to come back to this IP.”
Bulletstorm originally released in early 2011 to relatively strong critical reception, with its focus on killing enemies in creative and varied ways setting it apart from its contemporaries. Unfortunately the co-developer for the game Epic Games reported that the game had failed to turn a profit upon its initial release.
People Can Fly are currently working on a new IP being published by Square Enix titled Outriders, with the game currently being slated for a summer 2020 release for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.