Persona 5 Delayed, Playable at PSX
It's a bittersweet news article for fans of Persona 5 is this one. The good news is that the game is confirmed to have both the original Japanese soundtrack as well as the newly casted English voice acting. There's also set to be a playable demo at Sony's upcoming Playstation Experience event (PSX). There's always bad news too however, and in this case that is news that the game has been delayed again. The game has been given a new release date of the fourth of April 2017.
Developer Atlus gave an impassioned statement of apology: 'I know, I know - the wait has been agonizing, but the Japanese release of Persona 5 smashed all our expectations, and as a company, we decided that we owed our fans the very best effort to make Persona 5 our gold standard in localization. Practically, this means redoubling our QA and localization efforts, even returning to the studio to record previously unvoiced lines. We don't want to rush this game (yes, you can still post a "Winter 2014" crack on Twitter, but I'm rolling my eyes at you), and in this case, it meant we needed to move the release back for the last time.'
To help fans get their persona fix in the meantime, the company have created a PS4 dynamic theme and avatar set of Ryuji Sakamoto, aka "Skull" in the game. The items will be free for a very limited time on PSN from the 24th of November. The theme will only be available for a day or two initially, then it will be available at launch for a price.