PlayStation Plus Free Games for April
Another month as gone by and that means more free games to add to your ever growing PlayStation library. Sony have revealed what's coming in April as part of PlayStation Plus.
Here's Aprils line up:
- Dead Star (PS4)
- Zombi (PS4)
- I Am Alive (PS3)
- Savage Moon (PS3)
- A Virus Names Tom (PS Vita)
- Shutshimi (PS Vita)
The games will be available for all PlayStation Plus subscribers, but you already knew that. Just remember to grab last months before they disappear on the 5th of April.
domdange - 11:15am, 31st March 2016
Is Zombi that Wii-U exclsuive that got ported not that long ago?
Acelister - 12:51pm, 31st March 2016
That's the one.
Seems a bunch of titles perfectly themed for Halloween. In April...
reece92david - 01:18pm, 31st March 2016
Honestly you're doing yourself a disservice if you play Zombi on PS4 rather than the Wii U it's absolutely brilliant with the gamepad.
Dombalurina - 02:06pm, 31st March 2016
meh, another extremely lacklustre selection I probably won't even bother downloading :(
Acelister - 02:52pm, 31st March 2016
I might get the Vita ones, due to free trophies. The rest I've no intention...