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PlayStation Showcase: Dragon's Dogma 2

It's time to put down Skyrim for just a second and explore a different single-player narrative RPG with the sequel to Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen announced in the PlayStation Showcase 2023, Dragon's Dogma 2!

This is the very first trailer of the title, and Capcom didn't hold back from showing off a lot about the game in a confident manner. From action-based combat featuring mediaeval fantasy battles, you will fight various mythical creatures and — of course — a dragon. We'd all be collectively disappointed if a dragon hadn't been showcased.

Dragons Dogma 2 1st Trailer Announcement Landscape

Stay tuned for more updates regarding the release for Dragon's Dogma 2!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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