Please Standby - New Fallout Announcement
Bethesda is providing us with one hell of a tease as a new tweet has appeared on their Twitter account. "PLEASE STAND BY" it states, and by golly we will. With the next E3 over the horizon, now is the perfect time to announce a new game. Could it be a brand new Fallout game? Unlikely? DLC for the game? Who knows. Perhaps it's just an announcement of the series coming to the Nintendo Switch. Regardless, we currently have no idea how long we'll be "standing by" so we'll update you as soon as the action starts.
#PleaseStandBy pic.twitter.com/5IUjkURCcM
— Bethesda Game Studios (@BethesdaStudios) May 29, 2018
Acelister - 08:35pm, 29th May 2018
It's the Fallout 4 remake we've all been waiting for!
Wowky - 06:08am, 30th May 2018
I'm really hoping it's Fallout and Fallout 2 remade in the Creation Engine, but that's a pipe dream.
Acelister - 10:16am, 30th May 2018
Yeah, nobody wants that.
Wait, I mean EVERYONE wants that!
Platinum - 10:31am, 30th May 2018
My money is on a Fallout 4 Switch port.
djd4ws0n - 10:32am, 30th May 2018
Skyrim on Pipboy port.
pucechan - 10:52am, 30th May 2018
I jinxed it on my Twitters so it's only going to be Fallout Shelter Switch I'm afraid! ;)