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Potion Tycoon Is Back And Bigger Than Ever In The New Update Release Trailer!

Potion Tycoon, the potion shop management simulator from Snowhound Games and Daedalic Entertainment, has the player running their very own potion shop. Among their many responsibilities are the hiring of staff, making cool new potions and fulfilling the many needs of heroes and townsfolk alike! To celebrate the games six-month anniversary in Steam Early Access, a new sizeable content update, titled Brick & Mortar, has been added!

The first new feature added is a completely new starting location! The Floodlands feature diverse scenery and offer a much larger area to build in, which brings us nicely to the second major addition:

With Construction Mode, aspiring potioneers can move around whole rooms to reorganize their building to fit their wants and needs! Moved rooms will retain the equipment and other content, so give it a try! Additionally, rooms can now be made even bigger! It's not all kittens and buttercups though, as the new update adds new monsters to keep you on your toes- Watch out for trolls under your bridges and headless ghosts in the halls!

If you feel this is not enough, many small updates, fixes and balances have been added. So grab your mixing stick, chuck a pebble at that pesky skeleton, and get potioneering!

Potion Tycoon is now available for PCs in Steam Early Access.

Martin Heath

Martin Heath

Staff Writer

Professional Bungler

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