Prey For the Gods Renamed to Avoid Trademark Dispute
The indie title formerly known as Prey for the Gods has had a name change. The minor change sees the game renamed as "Praey for the Gods". This is based off of contact that the developers had from Zenimax studios suggesting that the title might be a bit too smiler to their upcoming game Prey (2017).
[We] didn’t want to do this but we had to change our game name from Prey for the Gods to Praey for the Gods. Thankfully we get to keep the logo but we will spell it “Praey for the Gods”. Honestly, we could make this entire newsletter about our thoughts on this. Trademark law is what we were dealing with and we aren’t under any NDA so we can state the opposition in this situation, Bethesda/Zenimax."
"We could’ve fought this and we did think about it for quite a while. Something like a trademark opposition can be long and depending on how far someone wants to fight it can be very expensive. We didn’t want to spend our precious Kickstarter funds, nor did we want to have to ask for additional funds to fight this in court. Using backer money towards something that doesn’t go towards the development or backer rewards felt horrible to us. Even if we did win we’d have to spend a solid chunk of our funds and in our opinion it wasn’t worth it."
It's not the first time that Zenimax have stepped in to protect an IP that they viewed as being in jeapordy. There was a dispute between them and Mojang in 2015 over the game Scrolls, which proved to be the beginning of the end for the game that eventually shut down under a year after launch.