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Publishers Pulling Pre-order Titles from Epic Mega Sale

Publishers Pulling Pre-order Titles from Epic Mega Sale

Although not officially stated, the Epic Mega Sale looks to be a direct competition against Steam’s stranglehold of games sold online in their Steam Summer Sales, expected to be launched at the end of June. However, two publishers have pulled their pre-order games from the Epic Mega Sale and consequently, the Epic Store. Not a very good start for the first day of the such a huge store-wide sale.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 published by Paradox Interactive and Oxygen Not Included published by Klei Entertainment were pulled moments after the Epic Mega Sale went live. In a statement, a spokesman from Epic Games said, “If a developer or publisher chooses to not participate in our sales, we will honor that decision.”

Titles getting pulled from the sale were not the only hiccups. The cost of Hades – Battle Out of Hell was accidentally increased. The publisher, Supergiant Games reported this was an error and has fixed the price to its initial launch price with an additional 25% discount. After the sale ends on the 13th of June, Hades – Battle Out of Hell will reportedly increase in price.

In a way, it is not surprising to experience all these issues from Epic Games first launch of a Mega Sale. Steam’s Summer Sale struggled on its first launch and even now still experiences down times. However, this still does not give a positive outlook on the store’s future. Time will tell.

Joshua (Shnook)

Joshua (Shnook)

Staff Writer

Will do his very best to not avoid team killing everyone.

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Acelister - 11:03am, 19th May 2019

Were they pulled from the storefront entirely, or just changed to "Coming Soon" so you can't buy them?

Shnook - 11:08am, 19th May 2019 Author

They were pulled from the store completely. It is expected that they will be back and available through the store again once the Epic Mega Sale is over

TheSphericalCat - 01:13pm, 19th May 2019

I'm confused by Oxygen Not Included being pulled because I didn't think it actually had a price decrease outside of the £10 Epic themselves were paying for - the Devs would still be earning the usual amount even though the game was effectively on sale for a third of its sale price...

Shnook - 01:35pm, 19th May 2019 Author

I personally believe the publishers are worried it will "devalue" their game. Having a low priced game probably makes it seem like the game itself isn't worth a full price or something. But that is just speculation on my part.

Dombalurina - 09:08am, 20th May 2019

That would make sense. It would probably also lead to loads of grey market sales later on that will harm their regular sales.
