Reports Suggest Resident Evil 4 Remake is in "Full Production"
It hardly took a fortune-teller to read the tea leaves on this one. After the astonishing success of Resident Evil 2's remake and its less-so but still moderately successful Resident Evil 3 counterpart, It looks as if Resident Evil 4 will receive the remake treatement next. According to "multiple development sources" speaking to VGC, the remake, led by developer M-Two, has "entered full production" and could release in 2022.
M-Two, a studio comprised of many ex-Capcom and Platinum Games employees, previously provided support on the Resident Evil 3 remake. The report states that this involvement was a "precursor" to the studio's "main project" of remaking Resident Evil 4.
Shinji Mikami, the series' original director, will not be reprising his role at the helm, with ex-Platinum head Tatsuya Minami taking the position instead. With that said, Mikami remains at an 'orbital' position to the project, willing to advise on the game's direction. At least, if VGC's unnamed but trusted sources are to be believed.
Even before this news, discussion surrounding a potential Resident Evil 4 remake has been fraught with concerns. Unlike previous entries, Resi 4 already employs gameplay elements and a style that resembles games of today; a remake would risk being redundant. The remakes of 2 and 3 were complete overhauls that reimagined their respective stories for a new generation; a remake of 4 couldn't possibly pull off the same feat.
Still, it's too early to write this project off as 'doomed to fail'. With enough talent and imagination, there's no reason that this remake can't be another masterpiece of reinvention like 2019's Resident Evil 2's remake.
franjaff - 01:55am, 13th April 2020
I can't imagine this remake stacking up to the original in any kind of satisfying way, so I hope they take some bold steps with it and make some kind of inspired reimagining instead. At least then it can feel distinct from the original without stepping on its legacy.