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Rick Astley Comments on the Rickroll in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

We all know the Rickroll meme. Some of us have fallen for it several hundred times and will continue to fall for it. The latest one coming from the newly-released Guardians of the Galaxy

Rick Astley, the legendary singer that created the song, appears in a video released on the EidosMontreal YouTube channel. In the video, Rick appears as a mysterious hacker overseeing Twitch streamers DanTDM, DrLupo and PaladinAmber as they fall victims to the classic meme.

Rick Astley commented on his involvement. Saying that he'd been biding his time and waiting patiently for the perfect moment to reclaim ownership of the song, and mentions that hearing the song would be coming out on the game was the perfect opportunity he had been looking for. 

He expresses excitement to be a part of the game's soundtrack featured alongside many other songs that he says inspired him throughout his youth and musical career. "I hope these songs bring players the same joy and inspiration they gave me," he said, sharing his personal love and views of the music played.

The Guardians of the Galaxy and music are two-piece. With the game's licensed soundtrack featuring Never Gonna Give You Up alongside many other 80s classic pop and rock tracks, with songs from Mötley Crüe, Bonnie Tyler, Billy Idol, Pat Benetar, Def Leppard, and BLONDIE.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is available now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC, and streaming via GeForce NOW.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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