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Roguebook Contest to Win Black Lotus card

Roguebook Contest to Win Black Lotus card

To coincide with the first major update for Roguebook, NACON and Abrakam Entertainment have unveiled a competition to win one of the most expensive Magic: The Gathering cards ever printed: the Black Lotus. To enter, contestants must design four original cards for the game; one for each of the four playable characters in Roguebook: Sharra, Sorocco, Seifer and Aurora. Designs can be submitted to the contest's official website, where a community vote will present the best designs to a jury composed of Roguebook’s designers.

The contest ends on 3rd September 2021, and the winning cards will be added to the game. 

Black Lotus

Luke Greenfield

Luke Greenfield

Staff Writer

Just a guy that loves to write :)