Rovio Lets Go Of Over 200 Employees
In August, Rovio announced that it would be negotiating with its employees in an attempt to streamline and restructure the company, and focus on three core business areas: games, media and consumer products.
Now the negotiations have ended, and Rovio has revealed that it will be letting go of 213 employees. Whilst it's terribly sad for all those who are now out of a job, the silver lining is that it might result in some higher quality content from Rovio.
After early success with Angry Birds and the countless spin-offs, Rovio hasn't been able to create anything that achieved the same level of far-reaching success. Angry Birds 2 launched earlier this year and it certainly grabbed a lot of people initially, but it didn't seem to have the same staying power.
Employees working on The Angry Birds Movie have not been affected, so as they say, small victories.