Shadow of the Colossus Will Feature a Photo Mode
The upcoming remaster of Shadow Of The Colossus on PlayStation 4 looks stunning but now it can look even better with the reveal of a Photo Mode.
The included Photo Mode will not just allow players to pause the action and line up the best snaps but is in fact a complete suite of adjustment tools built into the game. Talking on the PlayStation Blog, Art Director at Bluepoint Games, Mark Skelton said:
"The thing that makes Photo Mode stand out is its power and flexibility. It’s an entire photo adjustment suite built into the game for you! Everything that I had access to as the Art Director, you have access to as the player.
You can start with a filter and adjust all the way down to colour balancing the shadows, midtones and highlights. Then on top of that, control the depth of field ranges and amounts, in addition to the vignette. That’s an amazing amount of control.
Adjusting the camera to get that perfect shot is super easy. Being able to switch the camera from the player to the horse offers up a ton of possibilities."
With so many options available to players and the power of social media, we can look forward to seeing plenty of user captured photos when the game releases.
Shadow Of The Colossus will be released 7th February 2018.