Shenmue III Developers Respond to Epic Game Store Controversy
The long awaited Shenmue III recently got involved with the Epic Game Story exclusivity controversy during the E3 2019 PC Showcase, with the title only being available on PC through that specific online store. As with many other titles in recent months, the backlash from fans across the world has been immense, even more so with the game being a crowdfunded Kickstarter project.
On the Shenmue III Kickstarter page, developer Ys Net uploaded a message to fans in a hope to ease concerns: “We want to make sure that the Backers are aware that we are listening to their concerns. We kindly ask all our fans to have some patience, we are currently at E3 demoing the game and need to get back to our respective offices to assess the situation and together find a way forward to justify the trust you placed in us”.
After a lengthy development cycle and a few delays Shenmue III is set to finally release on 19th November 2019 for PlayStation 4 and Epic Game Store. Hopefully the current backlash doesn’t cause any more delays.
AAMinistry - 08:31am, 21st June 2019
Various (probably spurious) privacy concerns aside, this hostile strategy of Epic's is callous and cares not a jot for gamers. If they want to truly challenge Steam, they should offer a competitive experience to it, not just aggressively throw cash at developers in an attempt to strong-arm customers to their launcher. Even if you dislike Steam, you should absolutely be boycotting Epic (try GoG, they're lovely!).