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Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened Launch Trailer

Sherlock Holmes The Awakened, the remake of the title under the same name released in 2008, is the next entry featuring Frogwares' new take on Sherlock Holmes. Accompany everyone's favourite detective and his deuteragonist, John Watson, on a quest to solve cult killings spread throughout the world to raise an ancient, Eldritch monster — Cthulhu.

The epic cinematic shows off gameplay aspects, such as investigating bodies, making deductions in the mind palace, and creating an image of what occurred to better understand the next steps in your investigation. Can you save the world from the horrors that this cult intends to arise? Experience Sherlock Holmes' descent into madness, as you'll delve into unique, strange realms to complete puzzles unlike ever before, and take control of John Watson to keep Sherlock grounded... or as much as he can.

Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened was not a title originally planned by Frogwares and was developed in the midst of the war in Ukraine, where the studio is situated. The following is a message by Sergiy Oganesyan, the Head of Publishing at Frogwares.

Sherlock Holmes The Aawkened Pre order Bonus The Sleuths Attire Cosmetic Set

"I'm not sure if any one of us will ever release another game with so many memories and emotional baggage attached to it. This game came about as necessity to keep the studio alive during the war in Ukraine but it also gave us all a very strong purpose and a much-needed distraction from everything going on around us. What is next is already in the works now that we have proven to ourselves, we can keep going, despite the war."

— Head of Publishing at Frogwares, Sergiy Oganesyan

Face insanity when Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened releases on the 11th of April, and pre-order the title now to get the Sleuth's Attire Cosmetic Set.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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