Sirius Online Returning to Steam
After a rough ride in 2016 which saw the developer remove their game from Steam and consider a free-to-play model, Sirius Online is returning as a premium offering on Steam and various other platforms, with a F2P option available for those who prefer it. The free client will operate in a similar manner to the paid client, but will have cut down features such as a money cap and reduced options for skinning.
Also coming soon is the first major story pack for the game, entitled Rise of the Crimson Dawn. This will be released as a free patch for all players. This will introduce new skins and ships, as well as a new feature in the form of invasions.
Other things added to the game include a new mission system, player outpost control and some updated graphics and gameplay. The development team has expanded to include dedicated sound designers in-house as part of these planned updates. For all the details, why not check out the post over on the game’s Steam community, where the developer explains all about upcoming changes?