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Spectre Divide Adds New Mode Amidst Mixed Release

Spectre Divide Adds New Mode Amidst Mixed Release

After previewing Spectre Divide, I left rather pleased with my first exposure to tactical first-person shooters. Playing as two different bodies with the same consciousness gives you the capability to have several lives, and for noobs like myself, it's a great way to have just a bit more playtime without dying first in every round and watching others play (not that I wasn't the first one to die anyway).

So, when Mountaintop Studios' passion project released to a Mixed score, I was rather shocked. We touched a bit on the microtransactions and the complaints users had, and it seems that the team has been trying to remedy some of these problems.

The sorely missing Ranked mode is now being remedied, as Mountaintop Studios has officially revealed (and released) this highly sought-after game mode. There are a few intricacies that the team touches on regarding how it's going to work, though the general gist of it is that there will be two different modes (Solo and Team) and they'll each reflect a different rank.

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Following on the trend of being inclusive, the ranks will be entirely independent from one-another, meaning that you can be climbing through Solo and Team simultaneously without having to affect the other. This gives skilled players the opportunity to play with other teams, while still being able to enjoy their competitive ranking experience as they advance in solo.

There will be eight different ranks for Solo:

  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Emerald
  • Ruby
  • Diamond
  • Champion

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While Team will feature nine different ranks, instead:

  • Undiscovered
  • Prospect
  • Talent
  • Professional
  • Elite
  • International
  • Superstar
  • World Class
  • Champion

With the exception of both Champion ranks, all of the other ranks will be split into four tiers, separated by Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV), and when you reach the highest, you'll be promoted to the next rank. You'll need to earn Santai Rating (SR) , and you'll be able to earn it whenever you win a match and lose it when you lose a match. This system will also feature a winning-by-two requirement, meaning that you'll have to have a bit of a lead against the enemy team to win, with ties being handed out after 22 rounds without a winner, where SR will not be affected.

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To enter Ranked, you'll need to have won five Casual Matches, and from there, you'll need to partake in five Ranked Placement Matches to calculate your skill before you get your first ranking, and from there, the general rules apply — gaining over 200 SR in your rank grants you a promotion, going below 0 will be a demotion. Being promoted grants you a 50 SR buffer (plus any excess from the previous rank) to prevent immediate demotion, meaning that you have about two losses back-to-back before you're demoted back to the previous rank.

Each Ranked Season will last several months, and players will earn unique Sprays and Cahrms based on their progress during that season.

Ranked Mode in Spectre Divide is available as of the 6th of September.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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