Sponsored Video: Standby for Titanfall
The first game to come out of Respawn Entertainment, Titanfall is due out at the end of this week in the UK and honestly, we couldn’t be more excited! We are well and truly, standing by for Titanfall.
Playing as either a parkour-enthusiast Pilot or within a mech-styled Titan, it’s your job to take control of the battlefield alongside your teammates and stop the opposing forces from doing the same. How you fulfill this objective is entirely up to you but fulfill it, you must.
Take to the buildings and rooftops as your agile Pilot, picking up kills and eliminating Titans for the skies or, for the more brute-force of you, stick on the ground after calling in your Titan to reign down chaos and destruction, pushing your team ever-forward to victory, glory and riches.
Whatever your play style, you’re going to find a weapon, gadget and Titan combination that suits you and, if you’re still not convinced, take a look at the trailer below to see with your own eyes the pure gratification you could be missing out on.
We can tell you now, there’s moments in games where you sit and are in awe of what you just achieved. Prepare to be amazed.
If you pick up only one game this quarter, it’s going to have to be Titanfall and Microsoft have made it even easier for you as you can nab a bundle of the Xbox One, Titanfall, and a month of Xbox Live Gold for £399.99.
This article is sponsored by Electronic Arts, but all our thoughts are our own.