Star Citizen Dogfighting Delayed
Star Citizen is a crowd funded epic space adventure.It's a complete universe which players can explore and discover new plots and stories. You can take jobs such as smuggler, pirate, merchant or bounty hunter. For the more conservative and law abiding you can enlist as a pilot and protect the border. The game exists as one cohesive sandbox universe which allows the players to play the game their way.
As the project grew the resources have also grown and changed. The original goal of $500,000 has been smashed due to the 2.1 million dollars raised by Kickstarter alone. A tracker on the website now shows the total amount raised at over 34.8 million dollars. The game has such a huge supportive fanbase even now when it is still in development that CEO Chris Roberts wants to ensure he does not release anything half hearted. In an open letter to fans he explains:
Originally when I first started this journey I didn’t dream that we would be entirely community funded so early so I thought that if I released an early dogfighting build it would help drum up interest in the project and get some good community feedback on the player versus player fun and balance.
He goes on to discuss the technical logisitics of the delay including information about how the team and game are growing and developing and ends with his conclusion
So rather than force the team to crunch through the holidays chasing something ‘good enough,’ I am going to make the tough choice to delay the dogfighting module for a couple of months to allow us to take our time and deliver something special.
Our goal isn’t just to make Star Citizen good enough. Big publishers make games that are good enough; this is about creating a game that matches a vision. The beauty of crowd funding is that it allows us the creative freedom to do exactly that… and the one great downside, is that I feel your disappointment in a way I never would otherwise.
I don’t just want to make a great game… I want to play and live it. But even more than that, I have come to find myself a part of the Star Citizen community, in a way that I never expected.
Fans of the game are then promised a livestream of work in progress
So please join me at 9 AM PST on Friday, December 20th for a special Christmas two hour livestream that will have updates on Squadron 42, The Hangar and Dogfighting!
If you want to be part of this game and community you can head over to the Star Citizen website.