Star Wars: Attack Squadrons Cancelled
The site now contains only the message that the project has been cancelled, despite being very close to seeing a public release.
We want to thank all of the fans who participated in the closed beta of Star Wars: Attack Squadrons.
After much consideration, we have decided to cease development so that we can focus on other Star Wars game experiences. We truly appreciate the time you spent engaging in the beta.
The game was being developed by Area 52 Games - who literally have no other credits to their name - as a browser-based game. It is also impossible to find out anything firm about the studio, as their website is very vague apart from the job listings. They are apparently made up of industry veterans who love games.
When Disney bought LucasArts, they shut down several Star Wars-related projects including Star Wars 1313, a game being developed in-house by LucasArts. If Area 52 is owned by Disney it would explain why they spent the sheer amount of money it would take to get a license such as Star Wars all the way through five months of beta testing before cancelling it.
Of course, Area 52 mention they are focusing on other Star Wars games but with Electronic Arts owning the rights to release Star Wars games on consoles, their options are obviously limited. Unless they are bought by EA.