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Steam Highlights Daily Deal Program Performance Throughout 2024 and Talks About Expanding the System

Steam Highlights Daily Deal Program Performance Throughout 2024 and Talks About Expanding the System

Valve's Goliath-sized Steam launcher is always looking for new business opportunities and ways to ensure that great games get the visibility they deserve on the storefront. Their latest blog post talks a bit about the way they have been utilising the Daily Deal approach, how it changed in 2024, what those effects were, and — most importantly — changes coming in 2025.

First, the post goes on to talk about the Daily Deals result in 2024. This year was significant for one reason: it introduced four Daily Deals as opposed to its two approach over the last decade. The results of adding more deals gave players and developers the opportunity to discover their respective audiences and find new things to support, and Valve highlights these results proudly.

In 2024, there were the effects of the Daily Deal program and how having four per day ultimately affected their marketing approach:

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  • There were a total of 2,843 games featured across 1,160 developers and publishers highlighted
  • Each game featured in the Daily Deal promotion accrued over 10 million impressions on during the day of the promotion
  • The Daily Deal spot was changed to feature possible multi-game sale events, with the largest in 2024 being the Czech & Slovak Games Week featuring 277 games from the region
  • The range of revenue from Daily Deals depended on numerous factors, but it ranged between ~$10,000 to $2,000,000 during the promotion duration
  • 87% of the Daily Deals featured in 2024 were all for games that had never been featured previously

To expand on this even further, Valve is going to be experimenting with six Daily Deals throughout 2025 to see the effects and hoping to replicate a similar success to the four approach. With six spots rather than four, new titles can be featured, and it'll offer them a better opportunity to cater the "recommended" section to the user behaviour on Steam.

The first set of Daily Deals will continue to be those best catered to the user behaviour across Steam, using a rough algorithm to predict which title you'll prefer from the line-up of six. However, with more deals available, this should cover a wider range of likes per day for every user seeking to find their deal of choice.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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