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Street Fighter 6 Teaser Trailer

Six years have passed since the release of Street Fighter V, and two years since its latest update. Now, it's time for Capcom to move on to the next entry in the franchise with Street Fighter 6.

The 30-second trailer shows off its graphics by showing us Ryu and a good look at his physique as he stands opposite newcomer Luke. Although the teaser trailer doesn't give us a ton of information, we'll be able to learn more come the summer 2022.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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Wedgeh - 02:38pm, 21st February 2022

My body is ready! Most definitely watching this with a close eye to see how it develops.

Artura Dawn
Artura Dawn - 04:50pm, 21st February 2022 Author

After having watched the Street Fighter movie on the Anime podcast, I kind of want to try this one to be honest. Plus, those graphics!!!

retrogamergirl - 07:56pm, 22nd February 2022

I can't wait to see how this ends up turning out! I hope it's good!
