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Super Adventure Hand Ultrawide Compatibility Video

Super Adventure Hand is a great platformer you might already have your eyes on, and those who enjoy playing in ultrawide monitors must be wondering — can the Devm Games developed and published title be played on your ultrawide monitor? We tested it out at 32:9 with a 5120x1440 resolution to see if it would work and played the first ten levels for your entertainment. Check out the video above to learn more about it!

In short, the game works surprisingly well for ultrawide resolutions, giving you a nice view of everything around with an adjusted FOV that feels comfortable. The only issue you'll encounter is black screens on either side of the few cinematics that appear in the playthrough, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, considering there aren't that many regardless.

That being said, though you can play Super Adventure Hand with ultrawide resolution, the other question is should you? Though it is an enjoyable title as it is — and you should check out my review to find out why that is — it doesn't really benefit from the 32:9 resolution that so many of us came to love, even if it works flawlessly from boot (get it?).

Super Adventure Hand 32 9 Screenshot

The only issue I encountered throughout my ultrawide playthrough was the timer being in the top-left corner of the screen and so far away from the elements happening in-game. Whilst I was furiously trying to get first place throughout my hands-on experience, it was a tad inconvenient to not be able to see the timer whenever I was doing a particularly tricky level, but I presume that this won't affect most players who don't want to try to reach the leaderboards.

Overall, you can definitely play Super Adventure Hand in ultrawide resolutions without any problems! Check out the gameplay video to see my embarrassing fall, me flicking items off the world, and flipping off some feet above!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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