Talisman is Going Free to Play!
Talisman: Digital Edition, the digital version of the now discontinued fourth version of the adventure board games of the same name, is going to be free to add to your Steam library in a few weeks! Featuring Steam Remote Play compatibility on local hot seat options, as well as online multiplayer, soon may be the best time to get your board gaming friends together for a classic night of Talisman goodness!
The reason given for this sudden shift was given in a Q&A from the developers at Nomad Games cites attracting newer fans by lowering the bar of entry as the main factor, though the game has often been given out for free through giveaways or temporary free-to-play periods.
Some may be concerned that this shift may also bring with it the other facets of free-to-play games, such as paywalls, pay-to-win, or in-game adverts, but Nomad Games have stated that very little will be changing compared to the current game. Everyone who wants the base edition of the game can get it for free, but the other expansions and content still need to be purchased, as they are now.
Talisman: Digital Edition will be free to download and keep on Steam as of 23rd May.