The Division Global Event #2 Starts Today
Report in agents, as it's time for the second global event in Tom Clancy’s The Division to begin and it offers the chance to unlock some new rewards through to 10th October.
The second global event to take place in Tom Clancy's The Division, dubbed Assault, will be going live today and giving players a chance to mix up their play style and earn some new rewards. This time around it is all about getting up close and personal as players need to close the gap to inflict more damage and avoid taking more damage. The modifier, like before, is broken into three tiers which will offer a number of different changes to gameplay and rewards depending on which one is active.
Assault (Global Modifier)
- Always active; All Agent damage is increased at close range.
Crucial Assault (Only active in the Assault Playlist)
- Assault behavior, plus all enemy damage is increased at longer range
Major Assault (Only active in the Assault Playlist and only for groups)
- Crucial Assault behavior, plus Agent damage increases when close to team members, enemy damage increases when apart from team members.
As you can see the focus is to close the gap and work as a team to survive longer and output more damage in this global event. Thankfully it will all be worth it as the rewards this time around include three new facemasks and three new classified gear sets: Striker, Sentry's Call and Reclaimer. As with every global event players will of course be able to earn tokens to spend on loot boxes to earn even more rewards and complete Commendations to unlock event specific patches, masks and achievements.
Tom Clancy's The Division is avaiable now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC with update 1.8 Resistance just around the corner.