The Escapists Early Access Nears End
With a release on Xbox One scheduled for 13th February, that also means the full release of The Escapists isn't far behind. And that's been confirmed in an update post which also introduces the newest prison - the very hard HMP Irongate.
Here's what the final update brings:
New Content
New items and craftables! No spoilers here, get to tinkering cons.
Russian and Polish language support added (WIP)
Payphones are now implemented. If you’re stuck, call for help.
A new workout is available –chin ups. Fix those biceps con!
Some minor graphical improvements
Changes and Tweaks
Guard tower snipers will no longer shoot you whilst you’re carrying a hostage.
Certain items can now be used to disable security cameras.
Fake fences should now work correctly.
Fixed a bug preventing the player from being attacked whilst on top of furniture.
X-ray vision has been removed from guards, they’ll no longer see or prompt you if you’re inside a cabinet.
Solitary confinement has been added to the guard’s patrol route in Center Perks.
Stopped a bug that caused weirdness when a player dropped off a roof.
Fixed various bugs affecting the use of ropes when descending from a roof.