The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II Delayed
Neocore Games has pushed back the release of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II.
Citing plans to polish the game, the developer has decided to hold off on publishing the second game of the planned Van Helsing trilogy, which follows Abraham Van Helsing, son of the famed vampire hunter. Van Helsing II, from what we've seen of the preview, will have a similar look and feel to the first game and takes players back to the city of Borgovia from the end of the first game.
The ARPG will also bring back Abraham's spectral companion Lady Catarina, as well as bring over characters players have trained and used in the first game. Van Helsing II will also include multiplayer co-op and PvP for up to four players.
The new release date for The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II is now set for May 22 for both Mac and Windows.