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The Plucky Squire Chapter Five 100% All Art Scrolls, Glitchbirds, and Achievements (with Video)

If you're looking for the opportunity to 100% The Plucky Squire without much hassle, then we've got you covered! We already have specific guides for the Art Scrolls and the Glitchbirds, which are ordered by Chapters and when you come across them. These guides are meant to be a 100% guide for a Chapter-per-Chapter approach, in case you want to follow along and not miss out on things (especially since missing one of the Glitchbirds will force you to replay the whole game for completion).

Chapter Five — Artia! is home to one Glitchbird and six Art Scrolls.

Without further ado, let's begin with Chapter Five — Artia!

Art Scroll #18: Concept - Area - Castle Town

1:25 in the video.

The Plucky Squire Chapter Five 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 1 37 screenshot

Keen readers that have been following the 100% guide series will be able to tell something: the next Art Scroll should be number 17... and though that is entirely true, Art Scroll 17 is unmissable, as it's part of the main quest for this Chapter, and more importantly, it is the last Art Scroll you get in Chapter Five — Artia!

Instead, the first collectible you can get is by running to the far left of the town, in the left-most purple/green house, as inside, you'll find the first Art Scroll of the Chapter.

Art Scroll #19: Concept - Character: Violet

2:30 in the video.

The Plucky Squire Chapter Five 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 2 43 screenshot

This next one is also acquirable immediately as you start up Chapter Five — Artia! Head over to the fountain in the middle of the Artia plaza, where to the left, beside Mona Lisa, you'll find Martina, who will sell you the Art Scroll for 20 light bulbs. This is the last Martina encounter in this Chapter, so feel free to use some of the extra money to buy any upgrades you might want. This is also the last collectible in the plaza area (aside from Art Scroll #17), so you may progress until you have reached the 3D section!

Art Scroll #20: Concept - Area - Snow Route

7:42 in the video.

The Plucky Squire Chapter Five 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 8 17 screenshot

This is the first Art Scroll taking place in the 3D section of Chapter Five — Artia! After you've headed out to find the Tilt Gauntlets, you'll be able to explore a rather large desk section for this Chapter, though thankfully, there aren't too many collectibles to miss out on in this one!

The first thing you're going to want to do is walk forward and a little to the right. Past the cardboard trees and into the clay(? are they clay?) trees, you'll be able to go in between and jump through the hoop of a tape. Here you'll fight two enemies and find there, on a tube right behind the foes, the 20th Art Scroll!

Art Scroll #21: Concept - Area - Volcano

8:43 in the video.

The Plucky Squire Chapter Five 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 8 49 screenshot 1

Once you've begun your journey through the 3D section, you'll find a strangely located Toy Minibeard with no nearby puzzles; he should be at the base of the ramp. Going up, you'll find a Rubix cube beside a yellow paint that leads into a blue paint — you can use these to parkour your way into the next Art Scroll's section. I do recommend to use a jump and roll in order to close the distance, as a simple jump might do the trick... but it might also cost you a few seconds of running back!

Once you've reached the pink cube with the googly eyes, you can jump down to find several of Humgrump's minions waiting for you; dispatch of them and go up The Skies of My Dreams novel, where at the top, you'll find the final Art Scroll of the 3D section in Chapter Five — Artia!, meaning you can safely continue this section without worrying about missing out on anything.

Art Scroll #17: Enemy Ideas 4

2:18, 6:53, 15:05, 15:21, 15:52, 16:17, and 16:29 in the video.

The Plucky Squire Chapter Five 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 16 50 screenshot 1

This is the unmissable scroll that you'll get for helping Violet's uncle, Umber. Above, you'll find the time stamps for all of the individual rubboinks that you can find — after you've brought them all back, you'll get the Art Scroll!

Art Scroll #22: Concept - Area - Castle

18:30 in the video.

The Plucky Squire Chapter Five 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 18 55 screenshot

The short castle section has two collectibles that you can find, so before you follow Moonbeard to meet up with Queen Chroma, you'll want to go to the far right of the castle, where behind one of the pieces of art, you'll find the 22nd Art Scroll.

Glitchbird #5

19:01 in the video.

The Plucky Squire Chapter Five 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 19 12 screenshot

Likewise, immediately after Art Scroll #22, you can find the fifth Glitchbird by going to the far left of the castle, where it'll be protected by one of the guards. If you go behind the paintbrush railing, you can find a hidden entrance that leads right to the Glitchbird, meaning you've reached half way through the entire Glitchbird achievement!

There you have it! The 100% of Chapter Five — Artia!

Tips, Tricks & Guides
Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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