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The Plucky Squire Chapter One 100% All Art Scrolls, Glitchbirds, and Achievements (with Video)

The Plucky Squire has a few achievements to get, and some of them — such as the collectible Art Scrolls and Glitchbirds — might be a bit missable. While Art Scrolls you can use Chapter Replay to get, Glitchbirds won't be as forgiving, and if you want to 100% the game, you might not be down to rewatching the cutscenes over and over to get it again.

For that reason, we've created a 100% guide for you to check out! While we already have a Glitchbird Guide and an Art Scroll guide for you to read, we figured a Chapter-by-Chapter format might be a good alternative, all the while offering you some gameplay in case you're stuck on a specific puzzle.

One disclaimer I'd like to make is to gather all of the light bulbs that you can, just so you can be sure you can buy all of the (rather expensive) upgrades and wares that Martina has. It's a necessary part of the achievement grinding! And make sure you start your game in Adventure Mode rather than Story Mode. I picked Story Mode as I had already finished the game, and I wanted to see how it differed.

Without further ado, here's Chapter One — Some Serious Beeswax.

Achievement: Powerful Puncher

6:06 in the video.

The Plucky Squire Chapter One 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 6 13 screenshot

The first achievement you'll get is the Powerful Puncher, which you'll acquire for fighting the first boss of the game: the Honey Badger! It's an unmissable achievement; just fight your way through the battle in a Punch-Out!!-esque mini-game. Once you've defeated it, you should get your achievement!

Oh, and you get to watch my awful skills at fighting the Honey Badger. That's... embarrassing!

Achievement and Art Scroll #1: The Joy Of Art / Concept - Area - Mountains

9:52 in the video.

The Plucky Squire Chapter One 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 10 3 screenshot

After Honey Peak crumbles and Jot and Pip fall down to meet with Moonbeard, you'll meet Jot's childhood friend, Violet! On the page immediately after this, as you set off on an unscripted adventure, you'll find the very first Art Scroll of the game: Concept - Area - Mountains! It should be right beside a tiny body of water, behind two bushes and a tree.

Art Scroll #2: Concept - Boxing Mini-game

10:23 in the video.

The Plucky Squire Chapter One 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 11 5 screenshot

Martina is the merchant of the game, and you can find her after the first word puzzle that you'll have. After writing The Gate Swung Open, you'll find our curious vendor on the other side of the wall.

This will be the first Art Scroll that you purchase from Martina out of 10 total. Each Art Scroll Martina sells will cost you 20 light bulbs, which means you need 200 light bulbs minimum for all of the Art Scrolls, plus if you're going for all of the achievements, you'll want to be getting her upgrades, too.

This is the last Art Scroll of Chapter One — Some Serious Beeswax.

Glitchbird #1

11:38 in the video.

The Plucky Squire Chapter One 100 All Art Scrolls Glitchbirds and Achievements 11 49 screenshot

This is the final collectible in the Chapter. Right before you finish, you'll find the first Glitchbird behind a sign through some bushes — just break the bushes and get to the Glitchbird in order to claim the first one!

It's worth noting here that Glitchbirds are glitchy (hah). If you miss one, you cannot use Chapter Replay to get the achievement, as it'll reset your counter and force you to replay the whole game for the one achievement. Glitchbirds are the one thing you don't want to miss out on, and if you do, you don't want to grab in possible Chapter Replays you might do to get Art Scrolls.

There you have it! The 100% of Chapter One — Some Serious Beeswax!

Tips, Tricks & Guides
Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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