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The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners Out Now

Put on your VR headset of choice and experience a brutal vision of zombie-infested New Orleans in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners from Skydance Interactive and Skybound Entertainment. Set in the same universe as The Walking Dead graphic novels from Robert Kirkman, this VR title boasts a brand-new storyline that puts emphasis on gameplay choice.

Players can charge at 'Walkers' head-on with a variety of improvised and scavenged melee weapons; scale buildings to shoot them at a distance or throw projectiles; sneak up from behind and plunge a knife into their skull; or else avoid them entirely. With a physics-based combat system, getting up-close and personal will have increased impact to boot.

Adam Grantham, Creative Director at Skydance Interactive, discusses his studio's aim to create an experience that fits within the source material's world: "We wanted to give players an original story that truly belonged within The Walking Dead universe, from the environments, the narrative and the combat to make them feel as if they were truly living in this gruesome world.”

For a closer look at the game's story, take a look at the Story Trailer above.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners is out now for Oculus Rift, Rift S, Quest (via Link cable only) and HTC Vive. A PlayStation VR version of the game is planned for spring 2020.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this