There Are Thousands of People Playing the Same Pokémon Red Game All at the Same Time
In a perfect example of just how lunatic the net can get a Twitch TV user has set up an emulated game of Pokémon Red that can be controlled by the denizens of the Twitch chat room thanks to it reading the chat logs. A, B, Left Up Right Down and so on get parsed into the game and Red wanders off on his ever so slightly confused way as dictated by the people in the chat.
Two Pokémon captured to far are named JLVWNNOOOO and ABBBBBBK thanks to people spamming the chat and poor red spent 3 whole days stuck on the same ledge because someone thought yelling D constantly was fun.
For those who enjoy such things, the stream can be found below. We warn you now... lowest common denominator definitely applies here.