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Trails into Reverie Story Trailer and Release Date Announced

Trails into Reverie is finally receiving an English language release date with thanks to publisher NIS America. Originally released to Japanese audiences in 2020, Trails into Reverie will now see a Western release in 2023. 

Focusing on the stories of Lloyd Bannings, Rean Schwarzer, and the mysterious masked "C", Trails into Reverie will reveal the destinies of these protagonists and act as the climax of the series The Legend of Heroes. Watch the trailer above to get your first glimpse of where the story will go.

Arriving on the 7th of July 2023, Trails into Reverie will be releasing in both North America and Europe on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

Pezh J.

Pezh J.

Staff Writer

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