Twitch Viewers Finished Pokémon Red
As we reported in February, viewers of the Twitch channel TwitchPlaysPokemon were using chat box commands to control Pokémon Red. Not anymore.
Twitch actually managed to defeat the Elite Four and The Champion, at about 9am Saturday 1st March 2014.
We watched it, and you can read the full rundown here.
It took 16 days, 7 hours and 36 minutes to do, but the tens of millions of button commands were actually successful doing what has been described as:
"Man. This isn't a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters. It's twenty thousand monkeys at a single typewriter, and half those monkeys are screaming and desperately trying to progress while the other half throw [stuff] everywhere. It's wonderful."
They spent roughly thirteen hours from first facing Lorelei of the Elite Four to finally beating The Champion, but they never let a little thing like being unable to use the Secret Key in a battle keep them from their goal.
We look forward to what lies in store for TwitchPlaysPokemon on Sunday.