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Ubisoft Unveil Watch_Dogs 2 'Bounty Hunter' Online Gameplay

Ubisoft unveiled more about Watch_Dogs 2's multiplayer at gamescom in a new trailer showcasing new additions to the title.

The game now allows you to play online cooperatively with your friends, taking on an 'endless series' of co-op missions. Expanding upon the original games invasion mechanic, you can now get invaded by co-op groups and seamlessly invade them too.

Causing too much chaos can cause you to gain a Bounty Hunter contract on your head giving other players who take you down a big reward.

Watch_Dogs 2 is due on the 15th November on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Simone Brown

Simone Brown

Staff Writer

Often reminiscing about the 'good old days'. Simone has almost perfected her plan to enter the Speed Force and alter the timeline.

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Kirby - 06:02pm, 19th August 2016

Looks nice, but will it have so many players like GTA V? I dont think so. But if here will be no cheaters [yeah, in game about hackers:] this MP can be interessting.

pucechan - 06:43pm, 19th August 2016 Author

It'll be interesting to see how active the multiplayer becomes. It looks interesting definitely.

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