Welcome to Paradise in Hearthstone's 30.0 Patch
Patch 30.0 of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft on the 16th of July, all to prepare for their latest expansion, Perils in Paradise. The latest expansion will be out on the 23rd, and with it, there are several different things to look forward to, so let’s begin.
When Perils in Paradise launches, you’ll find the new Tourist keyword: Tasty Drinks. There are a host of new cards in this 145-card expansion, and there’ll be a re-opening of different locations. If you’re interested, you’ll find them in Hearthstone’s official Card Library. Pre-purchases will still be open until Perils in Paradise goes live on the 23rd.
Of course, with a new expansion, also comes a new Rewards Track, filled with XP boosts, cards, card packs, and a tonne of Gold. Again, you’ll find more details on Hearthstone’s Rewards Track Refresh blog.
If you’re active in the community, you’ll have noticed that the Community Days with Hearthstone content creators has come and gone.
We’re here to mostly talk about the Patch though. So, first, let’s talk about the Card Updates.
The Splish-Splash-Whelp is no longer banned in Standard, so it will be available to play. It will also be eligible for a full dust refund for two weeks, following the launch of Patch 30.0 on the 16th.
With six new Locations which you can access early if you meet the right conditions, it’s no surprise that to make the resort, there was a lot of demolition and construction involved. So, Demolition Renovator has been brought back to the Core Set, and she’ll be hanging around the rotation for a while.
As of the 23rd, Genn Greymane and Baku the Mooneater will no longer be in the Core Set, so enjoy them whilst they last, as they’ll be returning to Wild-only.
From the 30th of July until the 20th of August, you’ll be able to complete the In-Game Event for Perils in Paradise. When you complete Event Quests and earn XP on the Rewards Track, you’ll be eligible to earn six Perils in Paradise Packs, and the Ice-cream Sai Death Knight Hero Skin.
You’ll also notice that Buddies will be sticking around until Patch 30.2, so to make more friends, they’ve added the Buddy Up Tavern Spell.
A new Arena season began on the 16th, and with it, a return to the dual-class Arena. Full expansions were brought back in, and the curated draft pool buckets were banished. Whilst you will still only get one Legendary card on offer as the first of your draft, but this season class cards will appear twice as often.
In the Arena card pool, you’ll find these eligible sets:
- Core Set
- Festival of Legends
- Showdown in the Badlands
- Whizbang’s Workshop
- Perils in Paradise
You’ll also find that to celebrate Patch 30.0, Hearthstone: Music from the Tavern - Volume One, has gone live. So you can listen to 50 iconic tracks, available on a host of music streaming platforms.
Finally, let’s talk about the different bug fixes and improvements made to Hearthstone with this patch.
“Temporary” is now a keyword, meaning it will be discarded at the end or your turn. However, this is only a text change, so existing card functions won’t be affected.
The bug fixes are:
- Fixed when Sandbox Scoundrel’s cost reduction persisted even if the reduced card was Countered.
- Nostalgic Clown can now activate the effect of Miniaturised Nostalgic Clown
- Fixed the bug where Galactic Projection Orb could pick itself for a 10-mana spell, but then blocked from resolving it, meaning no 10-mana spell.
- New copies of Floppy Hydra can now be drawn by the Sharp-Eyed Seeker
- Celestial Ink Set won’t be triggered when the enemy plays spells.
- Wickerclaw’s effect will no longer activate when the enemy gains Attack.
- Scourge Supplies will now function better with cards that have effects immediately triggered when drawn.
- Magnetic Minions given Spell damage will now carry the effect over when Magnetised.
- Immune tooltip will now be complete.
- Lab Patron and Molten Giant’s text will now accurately reflect their effects.
In Twist, they fixed the bug which meant Thorim’s hero power would be permanently upgraded. They also updated the interaction between Xyrella and Tamsin, so Tamsin’s second life won’t block Xyrella from victory if she purifies her shard.
For Battlegrounds, in Duos, the first person in combat will not always swap each turn, but you’ll still be able to see the upcoming order of combat on the left-hand-side scoreboard.
There have also been a few bug fixes here including:
- Cards like Defiant Shipwritght and Whelp Smuggler will not only be triggered if they get two of the same triggering conditions simultaneously.
- Defiant Shipright’s effect should trigger if it has its Attack buffed in the Tavern.
- You shouldn’t get the option to finish a game in Solo Battlegrounds only for Duos to be selected for your next game.
- Feisty Freshwater should now work with Millhouse Manastorm’s Hero Power.
All players should now be able to purchase in-game Gold without getting blocked. Likewise, Dalaran Heist and Tombs of Terror should also stop ignoring player deck selection, and the in-game chat shouldn’t crash if using certain mobile devices. Ulfar and Blood Queen Lana’thel’s Hero Power animations should also be less buggy, and there are also several other improvements that have been made to the gameplay experience.
So, interested in these Hearthstone updates? Excited for Perils in Paradise? Find out everything you need to know by checking it out for yourself on the 23rd of July.