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Wholesome Direct 2023: Manitas Kitchen

How does a Tyrannosaurus rex cook? Well, Manitas Kitchen is a game that might just answer that for you!

Despite their stubby arms, Trexito has always wanted to become a world-famous pizza maker! Now — working at a restaurant to prove their worth — make delicious pizzas, manage their stress levels, and unfold a crime drama narrative. I bet you didn't see that coming!

You won't be able to get a pizza (get it? piece of?) Manitas Kitchen until the future, though, as the game's release date is still to be announced! We look forward to more information coming up!

Summer Game Fest 2023
Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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ManitasKitchen - 07:54pm, 14th June 2023

Hi there! 

Thanks for writting about us ! We really love how you capture all of our essence!

But I just wanted to clarify that all our characters use They/Them Pronouns, and it's really important for us!


Artura Dawn
Artura Dawn - 09:07pm, 15th June 2023 Author

Hi there!

It's my pleasure! I'm very happy you got to see this! No worries, I will have that rectified for you in a jiff!

Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment — means the world to me!
